Chess Bots

Welcome to chessBots!


To run the website on your local machine:

  1. Run either the VS Code Install dependencies task or yarn install to download necessary packages.
  2. Run either the VS Code Development server task or yarn dev to launch the dev server. This will launch an express server which will automatically build and serve the client to port 3000.
  3. Open localhost:3000 in your browser.

Note vite will automatically watch both the server and the client code for changes and push updates to the browser automatically - no reloading required.


To run tests, use the Run tests VS Code task.


Documentation can be viewed at The site is generated by typedoc using GitHub Actions and deployed to GitHub Pages. Contributor documentation is authored as Markdown files in the docs folder. To add newly authored Markdown pages to the generated site, update the pluginPages key in the tsconfig.json.

Generated using TypeDoc